Dynamic change meets mechanisms of change: Examining mediators in the latent change score framework
Chanler D. Hilley, H. O'Rourke
International Journal of Behavioral Development, 2022
Sexual and gender identity and note-leaving among adult suicide decedents in the USA
H. O'Rourke, Chanler D. Hilley, Emily Lowell, C. Sheehan
BJPsych Open, 2022
Ana Maria Meléndez Guevara, S. Lindstrom Johnson, Kit K. Elam, Chanler D. Hilley, Cami Mcintire, Kamryn S. Morris
Community mental health journal, 2020
Profiles of Future Orientation among Assault-injured Adolescents: Correlates and Concurrent Outcomes
Chanler D. Hilley, S. Lindstrom Johnson, T. Cheng
Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 2019
Understanding factors related to nonsmoking intention among college students
Chanler D. Hilley, S. Lindstrom Johnson, Sherer W. Royce, Fredanna M'Cormack McGough
Journal of American College Health, 2018
S. Lindstrom Johnson, Kit K. Elam, Adam A. Rogers, Chanler D. Hilley
Prevention Science, 2018